3 crédits

  • Composante

    Faculté des Sciences


Modelling is a methodology that is frequently used in biological sciences nowadays, in particular in ecological and evolutionary studies. However, models usually frighten students. The aim of this initiation is to show that modelling is by no means more inaccessible than other techniques in biology. The goal is to give students a feel of how a model is constructed, to be able to spot the key assumptions behind a result, and to test their validity. The course will seek to familiarize the students with several basic modelling techniques and tools.

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Basic skills in modeling in evolutionary biology

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Heures d'enseignement

  • Modelling - TDTravaux Dirigés12h
  • Modelling - CMCours Magistral12h

Contrôle des connaissances

Contrôle terminal

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Informations complémentaires

Volumes horaires :

CM : 12 h

TD : 12 h

TP : 0 h

Terrain : 0 h


SPS : 0 h

Séminaires : 0 h

Hors UM : 0 h

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