• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This module focuses on :

  • Tools and sources of information (patents, databases, journals, trade fairs and scientific days, etc.) and communication: identifying relevant sources of information, analyzing and using them, communicating internally and externally.
  • What business intelligence is, and how to understand and use it
  • Marketing fundamentals: presentation of what marketing does, presentation of tools that can help students in their future work, detailed explanation of the development process of a cosmetic product in marketing, and the different careers available to students.


A project will be developed by the students.

Hourly volumes* :


CM :15h

TD: 5h

Practical: 10h

Exit: 10 a.m.

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An introduction to business intelligence applied to the cosmetics and well-being industries.

Understand the importance of anticipating and adapting to ensure the viability and development of businesses. Know how to obtain and use information in strategic decision-making.

Introduction to cosmetics marketing

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Teaching hours

  • Business intelligence and creation - Practical workPractical work10h
  • Business intelligence and creation - CMLecture15h
  • Business intelligence and creation - TDTutorial5h

Mandatory prerequisites

Skills acquired in the university training center during semesters S1 and S2 of the ICAP Cosmetics Master's degree. Computer tools.

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Knowledge control

Continuous control

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Courses taught by industry experts and teacher-researchers specialized in the relevant field.

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :

Secretariat Master Chemistry


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