• Niveau d'étude

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    Faculté des Sciences


The aim of this module is to prepare the master thesis project which will last six months during S4.

The thesis project implies the use of large scale facilities (preparation and obtention of the beam time access for neutron/synchrotron radiation). You will have to explore the state of art of the master thesis project and prepare optimum experimental conditions (optimization of experiments on light lines or neutron).

This module will help to develop 'transversal' skills such as the development and organization of a scientific project (organization between universities and different EU research centers)

as well as communication skills.

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The objectives of this project preparation are to develop a research project including literature survey, personal initiative, communication skills together with optimizing scientific presentations, organization and work autonomy, general and specific knowledge of the characterizations methods required and especially using large scale facilities.


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Contrôle des connaissances

Final presentation of the master thesis project

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Choice and needs analysis of a research project

-      Literature survey and definition of the tasks of the research project

-      Getting familiarized with the required characterization techniques

-      Short project description and oral presentation

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Informations complémentaires

Contact(s) administratif(s) :

Secrétariat Master Chimie master-chimie @ umontpellier.fr


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