Niveau d'étude
BAC +5
7 crédits
Faculté des Sciences
Volume horaire
The objective is to provide second year students master a good introduction in the use of "Large Scale Facilities" for the study and characterization of materials. In particular, we focus on the use of neutron scattering and 3rd generation synchrotron sources for the study of materials. Indeed, to date, the development and optimization of materials often require sophisticated methods, sometimes accessible only at Large Scale Facilities. This presents a major challenge for basic research and applied. The courses, which take place over two consecutive weeks, give basic instruction on the production of neutrons and synchrotron radiation as well as their specific applications and complementarity. The course content is as follows:
- Neutron and synchrotron sources
- Interaction neutrons/synchrotron radiation with matter
- Diffraction methods and instrumentation for neutron and X-ray (synchrotron) scattering
- Spectroscopy: inelastic neutron scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- Magnetic neutron scattering
- Presentation of neutron and synchrotron beamlines
Getting familiar with neutron and synchrotron sources and applications of large scale facilities in materials science
Pré-requis nécessaires
basics in quantum mechanics, crystallography, physics and chemistry
Contrôle des connaissances
CC intégral
neutron and synchrotron sources, interaction neutrons/synchroton radiation with matter, diffraction methods, neutron spectroscopy, magnetism, X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Informations complémentaires
Contact(s) administratif(s) :
Secrétariat Master Chimie master-chimie @