Law - Political science - Administration, Agriculture - Food

Master's degree in environmental and sustainable development law and management

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


  • Master's degree in environmental and sustainable development law and management
    Coordinator: Catherine RIBOT

The Master's degree in ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LAW AND MANAGEMENT has been accredited since 1999-2000 at the University of Montpellier.

This highly attractive degree trains specialized lawyers to implement environmental and sustainable development policies in the public and private sectors.

Training available for both initial and continuing training (working professionals wishing to retrain, jobseekers).

The normative framework of the environmental sector is complex and plethoric, and public authorities and companies alike are faced with restrictive regulations to manage their environments, their resources, the risks inherent in their activity, prevent or repair the damage caused by pollution, or adopt a territorial strategy of sustainable development, in a context of ecological transition.
This fast-expanding sector has reshaped the job market, opening up a wide range of opportunities and new professions in both the public and private sectors.
This Master's degree is designed as a comprehensive legal training program (M1), but is also cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary: law - management - political science - economics, taking into account the current needs of the job market.

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Today, the environment and sustainable development are among the major social demands whose recognition has resulted in an increasingly complex and elaborate institutional and normative framework, at international, European and national level.

Against this backdrop, public authorities and businesses alike are faced with a plethora of regulations to manage their environments, resources and the risks inherent in their activities, prevent and remedy pollution and adopt a sustainable development approach.

 This Master's degree provides students with a professional education combining theoretical and operational approaches, knowledge and know-how.

 The aim is to train students over a two-year period for careers in environmental law, providing them with knowledge, skills and know-how (specific and wide-ranging input from professionals) in a sector that is now extremely buoyant in terms of job opportunities (public and private sectors).

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Know-how and skills

Develop legal expertise, assist public and private organizations with environmental issues of all kinds, carry out a territorial diagnosis, know how to implement a sustainable public procurement approach in a public authority, be able to analyze a company's energy choices, know how to carry out a CSR diagnosis in a company, a carbon assessment, or even use GIS software to set up a wind farm...

For each major sector of environmental law - biodiversity, water, pollution, nuisance, waste, renewable energies, etc. courses are systematically combined with presentations by professionals: lawyers (environmental and town-planning litigation), environmental managers from local authorities (Occitanie region), legal affairs managers in public institutions (OFB, ONEMA), consultancy firm directors, environmental managers from major groups (EDF EN, URBASOLAR, COLAS Midi méditerranée, etc.), who confront the student with fieldwork and the resolution of practical cases; business games, territorial diagnostics, responding to calls for tender, etc.
Graduates of this Master's program will therefore be able to develop legal expertise, manage environmental issues in public or private structures, carry out territorial diagnostics, implement a sustainable public procurement approach in a public authority, be able to analyze a company's energy choices, know how to carry out a CSR diagnosis in a company, a carbon assessment, or even use GIS software to set up a wind farm...

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Select a program

Master 1 Environmental and sustainable development law and management

  • Administrative law for local authorities (ST)

  • Public economic law (ST)

  • Environment & Policy (ST)

  • UE International environmental and sustainable development law

    6 credits
    • CM International environmental and sustainable development law

      4 credits
    • TD International environmental and sustainable development law

      2 credits
  • UE Urban planning law

    6 credits
    • TD Town planning law

      2 credits
    • CM Urban planning law

  • UE Language

    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Spanish

      • English

  • Natural and technological hazards law (ST)

    4 credits
  • Action pub et gouv (ST)

    3 credits
  • Digital skills - In-depth documentary research

  • Optional

    • Legal clinic (F)

    • Memory (F)

    • Internship (F)

    • Work integration workshops (F): CV/LM

    • Tutored project (F)

    • Apprenticeship (F)

    • Legal watch (F)

  • Rural law (ST)

    3 credits
  • EU Environmental law

    6 credits
    • CM Environmental law

      4 credits
    • TD Environmental law

      2 credits
  • Digital skills - Pix+Droit preparation

  • Public digital law (ST)

  • UE Public contracts law

    6 credits
    • CM Public contracts law

    • TD Public contracts law

      2 credits
  • Public economic law 2 (ST)

  • Food safety law (ST)

  • Local power (ST)

  • UE Professional integration

    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Internship

      • Memory

Master 2 Environmental and sustainable development law and management

  • Public action and the environment

    2 credits
  • Protecting spaces and environments

    4 credits
  • Waste law

    2 credits
  • Litigation practices

    3 credits
  • Introductory seminar

    2 credits
  • Amenities and environment

    6 credits
    • Urban planning and land use

      3 credits
    • Agriculture and the environment

      3 credits
  • Renewable energy law and climate change

    2 credits
  • Water and aquatic environment law

    4 credits
  • Environmental litigation

    2 credits
  • Environmental management

    3 credits
    • Environmental economics

      3 credits
    • Environmental taxation

    • Corporate environmental management

  • Responding to a call for tenders

    4 credits
    • Tutored project

  • Territory diagnosis

    4 credits
    • Tutored project

  • Further study of a foreign language

  • Elective UE

    20 credits
    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Internship/apprenticeship contract/professionalization contract

        20 credits
      • Choosing an internship/commitment

        • Student involvement

        • Internship/Apprenticeship contract/Professionalization contract

          18 credits


Admission requirements

The Master's degree is aimed at students on initial or continuing training courses
- Students concerned with environmental issues from public or private law, political science or, more broadly, any social science course
- Professionals reorienting or upgrading their skills, employees, jobseekers: Accessibility through Validation of Prior and Experiential Learning.

Admission requirements:
- Students with a bachelor's degree in law or political science
- Continuing education trainees

Application: By application and interview starting in May.

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Recommended prerequisites

Foreign languages

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And then

Professional integration

Very good integration into the job market, thanks to the broad participation of legal practitioners and professional lecturers (70%).

The surveys carried out by the SCUIO-IP highlight the two decisive factors in the successful professional integration of students graduating from this course:

Long-term internships

-The training provided.

Jobs held :

  • Public sector :

-Heads of legal affairs in PNF public establishments,

ONEMA, CEL...Environmental managers and officers in local authorities or their groupings, in Ministry departments

  • Private sector :

-Environment and sustainable development managers in major groups and companies EDF, SNCF, RENAULT, VEOLIA, COLAS

-EDF Energies Nouvelles is pleased to announce the appointment of...

-Design offices, associations, engineering and consulting firms, specialization of lawyers.

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