Structure de formation
Faculté des Sciences
Langue(s) d'enseignement
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M1 - Biotechnologie végétale
Molecular Biology
5 créditsBiochemistry & Enzymology
5 créditsIntroduction to pharmacology
4 créditsIntroduction to Biotechnology
4 créditsStatistics and biological experimentation
4 créditsScientific communication, valorisation, project management
4 crédits
Languages, human, economic, social and juridical sciences_1
5 créditsPlant genetics & development
5 créditsPlants Micro-organisms Interactions
5 créditsPlant Metabolic Ingeniering
5 créditsPratical training in lab
10 crédits
M2 - Biotechnologie végétale
Languages, human, economic, social and juridical sciences_2
5 créditsMicropropagat°, Transformat°, Regenerat° of Tropical plants
4 créditsEngineering stress resistance in Tropical Crops
4 créditsGenetics & Molecular Basis of plant productivity
4 créditsMolecular Markers & Selection
5 créditsPhytopathologie
4 créditsFunctional & Comparative Genomics
4 crédits