• Target level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Institute of Business Administration (IAE)

  • Language(s) of instruction



The management and international trade specialization offers a dual skill set, combining knowledge of the economic, commercial and international sectors.

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Further studies



The aim of the Master's program is to train future managers in the field of international trade.

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Know-how and skills

The skills acquired during the course are as follows:
- Mastery of the fundamentals and main commercial methods
- Understanding and mastery of international marketing strategies
- Strategic decision-making skills in international trade and according to the context
- Understanding and mastery of international purchasing strategies
- Understanding and mastery of international commercial management methods

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Select a program

Intelligence Marketing et Stratégie Commerciale à l'International - Marketing Intelligence & International Sales Strategy

The aim of this master's degree is to train Business Developers and Social Sellers 4.0, prepared for the new context of product and service distribution, with an international outlook. In a disruptive world, buyer behavior is changing. Salespeople's behavior is also changing, with the need to adapt to buyers' profiles, to offer innovative real-time solutions, and to make massive use of digital tools. New professions, new functions and therefore new sales profiles are emerging. They will need to be able to act and adapt in a globalized international context, and to process and analyze all the data available to them (Business Intelligence), with a view to adapting their offer and behavior throughout the sales process.

See the complete page of this course

International Business Engineer - International Business Engineering

The Master in International Business Engineering has been specifically designed for students who wish to acquire a dual competence in international sales or purchase. It is a two-year degree, entirely taught in English, aimed at international and French graduates that come mainly from a scientific background (bachelor degree in Sciences, Technology, Engineering, for instance) and that do not necessarily have experience in management or business. The main objective of this programme is to provide students with professional management skills supported by a global perspective, and prepare them to thrive in the global labor market. The Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for the Master's degree in International Business Engineering are divided into six categories:

  • I.L.O n°1: Understanding theoretical and conceptual knowledge
  • I.L.O n°2: Applying international business tools and knowledge appropriately to specific market
  • I.L.O n°3: Research and analyse diverse information to address the right question and propose original solutions
  • I.L.O n°4:Effectiveinternationalcommunicationandnegotiationskillsespeciallyforsellingandpurchasing
  • I.L.O n°5: Potential leader and work successfully in a multicultural team
  • I.L.O n°6: Responsible Manager

See the complete page of this course


Target audience

Access to M1 :

Students with a bachelor's degree in management, economics, IT, biology, physics or equivalent.

Admission to M2 :

Students with an M1 in management, economics, IT, life sciences, physics or equivalent.

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Mandatory prerequisites

A TOEFL score of at least 80 or a TOEIC score of at least 750.  

Access to M1 : 

  Students with 180 ECTS

Admission to M2 : 

  Students with 240 ECTS

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Expected results

The Mon Master platform displays two "salaried employment rates in France" for each course at 6 and 18 months. These two rates, known as "INSERSUP" rates, exclude graduates working as self-employed professionals, company directors, craftsmen or working abroad. These rates therefore do not reflect the reality of professional integration. In addition, some Mon Master programs do not show INSERSUP rates, as the rate of salaried employment in France excludes many graduates who are already working, and the statistical reliability threshold is no longer guaranteed.            

For perfectly reliable information including all graduates who have entered the job market directly without continuing their studies, we advise you to consult the University of Montpellier website(https://osipe.edu.umontpellier.fr). These insertion rates are calculated at 30 months (number of graduates in employment / number of graduates in employment and looking for work). These data are collected by OSIPE (Observatoire du Suivi et de l'Insertion Professionnelle des Étudiants).

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And then

Studying abroad


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Professional integration

  • International marketing research, surveys, monitoring, etc.
  • International business manager and international negotiator/salesperson
  • International business manager and international negotiator/buyer
  • Manage a team of account managers in an export department
  • Industrial and international entrepreneurs  
  • Sales Manager 
  • International business manager
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