4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


Complementary courses open up more specialized areas of statistics and stochastic modeling. Their content may change from year to year. Topics may include
- biological sequence analysis: probabilistic models of biological sequence evolution, phylogeny inference, hidden Markov models for pattern detection, graphical models and inference of gene regulation networks
- population dynamics: birth and death processes (definitions, properties, asymptotic behavior, parameter estimation, simulation), deterministic, stochastic or hybrid approximations
- biomedical statistics: Introduction to clinical research data, regulatory and methodological aspects, Likelihood function and applications to biomedical data, Reminders on survival data, competitive risk models, U-statistic-based testing, Models for fertility data analysis, Medical diagnosis and ROC curves as an application of a U-statistic, Meta-analyses.
- Extreme-value statistics and environmental applications:Univariate and multivariate extreme-value theory: law of maxima and high threshold violations for random variables and vectors, extreme dependencies, estimation of extreme quantiles, risk studies. Applications to environmental data: rainfall, wave heights, temperatures, etc.
- spatial statistics: Introduction to the fundamentals of spatial prediction and applications. In order to cover a wide range of spatial statistics, this course can be divided into two parts: point processes and geostatistics.
- linear mixed models : Extension of linear models to linear mixed models. Estimation of both fixed-effect and variance parameters within these models. Implementation on various practical cases. Random effects in generalized linear models.

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Opening up to more specialized fields of statistics and stochastic modeling

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Mandatory prerequisites

M1 SSD or equivalent, M2 SSD first semester courses

Recommended prerequisites: M1 SSD or equivalent, M2 SSD first semester courses

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Further information

CM: 18h
Field :

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