Hydraulic transfer processes and simulation

  • Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course builds on the process analysis and data acquired during the "Field Camp" course. The aim is to develop a simulation approach in response to a specific question. It comprises several phases:
- Experimental study in the laboratory and in the field: measurement of a water line, hydraulic propagation dynamics
- Production of a simple numerical model (resolution of a first-order differential equation)
- Implementation of a model (topology-geometry description, steady-state and transient hydraulic scenarios,
calibration, simulation of scenarios
- Design of a hydraulic management scenario, implementation on a miniature network in the form of a role-playing game: delay calculation, calibration of rating curves, identification of attenuation and delay dynamics, management of control structures, hydraulic performance evaluation.

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The aim is to deepen understanding and representation of the processes governing water flows and water quality in water transport systems (natural watercourses, irrigation or drainage canals/ditches, irrigation ditches, etc.).

The first objective is to understand the propagation and flow processes in water bodies, and their interactions with substrates (vegetation, sediments).

The second objective is to be able to mobilize this knowledge to implement modeling tools to represent and analyze these processes at various scales of time and space, with a view to

(i) understanding mechanisms

(ii) analysis and design of water resource management strategies. The target applications are hydro-agricultural schemes for irrigation and drainage, and watersheds.

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Mandatory prerequisites

UE Free surface hydraulics

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Knowledge control

Examination: 30% discount

Continuous assessment: 70%.

Report on studies carried out, by group; knowledge test (quiz)

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hydraulics; modeling; control; distribution networks

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