5 crédits
Faculté des Sciences
Teaching is done by teachers and/or researchers at the Faculties of Medicine, Sciences or Pharmacy, or at local research institutes.Course contents will be adapted to current scientific advances.
Teaching is organized in topics (lectures/tutorials, 4 to 5:30 hrs each);each includes an introduction and a seminar. In addition, for each topic, a group of students is in charge of presenting one or two recent scientific research articles.
Examples of subjects treated:
Immune adaptative responses, vaccination
Immune tolerance
Aging of the immune system
Metabolic regulation of the immune response
Immune response regulation by microbiota
Immune system-central nervous system interactions
Immunotherapy, therapeutic antibodies
The Unit is complemented by practical work by groups on a mini-research project that includes design of experiments, realization and analysis. Training is available in the use of flow cytometry data analysis software.Results are presented orally to the entire class.
The goal of this teaching unit is to develop fundamental immunological concepts that have led to recent major advances in the understanding of physiological immune response mechanisms. New therapeutic opportunities resulting from these recent discoveries will be discussed. Emphasis is placed on the scientific approach associated with these advances.
Heures d'enseignement
- Recherches actuelles en immunologie - CMCours Magistral21h
- Recherches actuelles en immunologie - TPTravaux Pratiques10,5h
- Recherches actuelles en immunologie - TDTravaux Dirigés10,5h
Pré-requis nécessaires
Basic immunology concepts.Some general documents will be available line to help you.Open to any student depending on space available.
Contrôle des connaissances
1rst session : writen exam 60% - practical work 20% - continuous assessment 20%
2nd session : writen exam 100%
Subjects treated:
Immune adaptative responses, vaccination
Immune tolerance
Aging of the immune system
Metabolic regulation of the immune response
Immune response regulation by microbiota
Immune system-central nervous system interactions
Immunotherapy, therapeutic antibodies