• Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



This course is designed to give students skills in the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation in order to simulate complex quantum well structures. The course begins with the study of situations where the solution is analytical, followed by situations where the solution is semi-analytical, before tackling the finite-difference method DF. Different DF schemes are proposed, each time with an evaluation of convergence as a function of various key parameters (domain truncation, number of samples, etc.). Finally, examples of concrete physical applications are studied.    


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 Mastery of the finite-difference method for simulating quantum structures (complex quantum wells, etc.).  

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Mandatory prerequisites

Basic quantum mechanics: quantum wells

Recommended prerequisites:

Common programming languages matlab/octave 



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Knowledge control

Final examination

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This course is designed to give students skills in the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation in order to simulate complex quantum well structures. The course begins with the study of situations where the solution is analytical, followed by situations where the solution is semi-analytical, before tackling the finite-difference method DF. Different DF schemes are proposed, each time with an evaluation of convergence as a function of various key parameters (domain truncation, number of samples, etc.). Finally, examples of concrete physical applications are studied.   

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